Affordable Retail Polished Concrete

Polished concrete provides a smooth and modern, clean surface, and minimalist aesthetic appeal. It is Ideal for the retail environment due to its low maintenance and hard-wearing surface. Southside Concrete Polishing provides a simple retail installation with minimal disruption to your daily operations!

Polished concrete flooring is sleek and beautifully reflects light and enhances the feeling of space. This polished flooring system is no more than a concrete floor whose pores and crevices have been filled with a chemical densifier, and ground and sanded to a smooth finish a number of grits. The concrete floor’s finish becomes more polished as the grit is increased. Grits range from 800 to 3,000. A 400-grit is considered to be the bare minimum for being “polished.”

We can build you a new affordable, appealing, low-maintenance polished concrete flooring system to your specifications, including color, design, logo, or pattern.

An even more cost-effective solution is retrofitting your current retail flooring. We can produce and lay a new polished concrete surface over your existing wood joist floorboards or other traditional floor surface without the usual preparation that typically creates major dust and disruption during installation. Amenities such as the addition of subfloor heating may be added prior to sealing and polishing the floor.

Polished concrete is a sustainable, green, LEED-approved flooring system alternative. It is low-carbon/CO2 emissions and volatile organic compounds (VOC) that encourage allergic reactions in those that live, work, or play on these surface floors. These floors also afford thermal and energy-saving properties.

They are a renewable building material made to last. Polished concrete has reduced environmental impact in the short- or long-term. Colors designed for concrete polishing are either acid- or chemical-base stains or water- or acetone-base dyes.

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What is the Benefit of Having a Retail Polished Concrete Floor?

A retail polished concrete flooring system is a sustainable design that utilizes the existing surface (i.e.: concrete foundation slab, wood f loorboards, etc.). Polishing the existing flooring material eliminates the cost, labor, and time of installing an entirely new floor. Other benefits of installing a polished concrete floor, whether new or retrofitted, include:

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  • Low maintenance
  • Easy care/easy to clean
  • No-wax
  • Durable
  • No-slip
  • Mold- and moisture-proof
  • Dust, mold, and allergen reduction
  • Able to be customized

Affordable, Low-Maintenance, Durable, Long-Lasting AND NO WAITING!

Polished concrete is a money-saving flooring alternative initially AND in the long-term.


We assure you IT IS POSSIBLE and PRACTICAL to have a beautiful polished concrete floor designed for your establishment and guests that not only gets your hall, store, café, etc. noticed, but re-visited! Let us help you make your signature entry, lobby, or great room inviting, light, warm, and memorable.

Color, design, personalization, and textured effects are only limited by your choice and imagination! Be assured your customization is as enduring as the life of your polished concrete floor itself!

Colors may be mixed into the concrete before the slab is installed. Ornamental texturing may be engraved during polishing. We can make your flooring look like marble during polishing or decorate it with waterproof latex paint after it is installed.

Nearly Immediate Use

NO WAITING! Because no toxic synthetic components or other precarious elements are used, and there is no toxic emissions or evaporation, the floor space may be occupied just as soon as the work is done. This is especially important for your retail businesses in high-volume areas in malls, banks, hospitals, museums, etc.

Customer/Staff Safety and Liability

Polished concrete floors are smooth and void of crevices, stains, or defects after polishing making them ideal for outdoor as well as for indoor use. Silicone-based, penetrating sealers also help prevent them from becoming slippery when wet. Tripping, slipping, and falling incidents are lessened by the smooth, defect-free surface.

We ensure your polished concrete floor will be FREE FROM cracks or breaks, defects, insects, or other related abnormalities. If you decide to redecorate in the future, only an underlayment needs to be placed between your polished concrete and other flooring installation you choose.

Long-Lasting - Low-Maintenance


Once we install your polished concrete floor, it is in place for a lifetime! While other flooring materials deteriorate, warp, or come unglued over time, concrete is here to stay and render attractive, competent service regardless of your indoor or outdoor environment and conditions.


As long as the building stands, your polished concrete floor will ENDURE! Polishing makes the concrete harder and stronger giving it instant preservation. It resists impacts and spills as well as considerable and constant foot traffic, wheels, and rollers.

NO WAXING, NO STRIPPING, NO RE-POLISHING! The only routine maintenance required is a once-a-week water wiping or swabbing. Installed baseboards along your polished floor edge prevent fluids from seeping into the crevices where the concrete floor and wall meet. No worry about moisture or fungi buildup!

Environmentally Friendly

Polished concrete floors DO NOT contain harmful chemical ingredients or materials. They DO NOT retain or collect dust, mustiness, allergens, molds, or fungi that collect on surface.  They DO retain heat and/or air conditioning that help your business conserve energy. Natural light is also enhanced as a result of the polished floor’s reflective qualities.

Do These Polished Concrete Floors Have A Downside?

Yes, there are some downsides to installing polished concrete floors.


Polished concrete floors have similar hard surface acoustic qualities as hardwood and bamboo, stone, and ceramic tile floors and walls. Soft materials such as drapes, fabrics, area rugs, sound panels to break up spaces, and displays may be used to help absorb sound and reduce poor sound quality and echoes throughout your retail space.

User Fatigue

Your strong and highly-durable hard polished concrete floor is also very hard. It does not provide cushion for those that must stand on it for long periods. Anti-fatigue mats may be needed to cushion employees’ feet and legs that must stand on this hard surface daily for long hours. Softer surfaced break rooms may also be needed to give staff a more comfortable rest.


Concrete floors do not retain heat well. As the outside temperature falls, those walking or standing on the polished concrete floor will feel their feet become chilled, much as if they were standing on ceramic tile or stone. You may elect to install thermal radiant heating during flooring installation to minimize heat loss. Radiant heating is more energy efficient than other methods with as good or better comfort

Types of Polished Concrete Floors


A retrofitted concrete floor is not a brand new installation. It is a method of concrete resurfacing where a concrete floor replaces an existing floor. Retrofitting may be:

Raw Cut - where the existing concrete slab is sanded bringing out the natural aggregate texture, which is black basalt or brown river stone. This is polished and sealed. The effect is black or brown spotted on a mostly gray surface.

Toping Slab – where new concrete (min. 2 inches or 50 mm) is applied to the top of the existing concrete slab. You may choose your aggregate, color, etc. Due to this addition of concrete, you will find your ceiling height and door openings will be lower!

We make every effort to ensure your structure will comply with current Building Code requirements for finished ceiling height during your project’s planning phase.

New Install

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A new polished concrete floor is less costly to install due to less work involved. But you should know that:

Standard Slab Aggregate concrete is either black basalt aggregate or brown river stone. We will work with you to ensure you know what your finished project will look like before you submit to order. You also have the option of adding more interesting aggregate pieces, such as shells, colored glass, or other bits to the concrete for a unique appearance that fits your retail’s decor.

A High Surface Finish is required to ensure the very best polish results. The finished concrete surface must be smoothed to a high standard to ensure it polishes well.

Inlays may be insignia, decorative sea shells or other aggregates, or other customized memorabilia. We add any desired inlays during the finishing phase when the concrete is still wet and being smoothed.

Concrete Overlays

Many times we will have to do a concrete overlay if the concrete slab is not functioning the way that it should. There can be dry batches of concrete that crack that can not be fixed with sealer or grinding. If that is the case we will do a concrete overlay to make sure the concrete has great integrity.

Why Hire the Professionals?

To enjoy the full benefits of concrete overlays, leave the job to South Side Concrete Polishing. It can be a difficult do-it-yourself project. Decorative designs can be done manually for simple patterns and designs. The more complex ones can be done by a computer software.  Southside Concrete Polishing installers are well equipped with the latest techniques and skills using different overlay materials. They can also provide you with expert and creative ideas as well as all the possibilities concrete overlay can do with your concrete floor.  Concrete overlays are easier and more convenient to install than other concrete flooring options. They can simply be installed over a properly prepared concrete floor surface to create a new aesthetically beautiful concrete floor with your very own designs, patterns, and color.