Epoxy is the last flooring solution most people ever need. When a client calls us for our epoxy flooring professional services, we know damn well what we’re giving them. We’re going to teach you all you need to know about the benefits of epoxy flooring. 

We’re giving our clients the best flooring solution since concrete. Our epoxy floor coatings look sleek; our epoxy flooring systems blow other flooring solutions out of the water. It’s hard to even call them solutions, to be honest. It’s rare to find something that looks as good as it functions, so read on if you want to change your life for the better. 


Since you asked, we’ll tell ya!

pouring the self leveling epoxy

Epoxy Is Hygienic

This means that no microbes, baby food, or grandma’s spilled soup is getting into the nooks and crannies of your flooring. It’s non-porous surface disallows bacteria from growing. It is resistant to most microbes and other surface contaminants. That means it is easy to clean, looks great all the time, and doesn’t require much maintenance. Sounds like our dream spouse. It’s seamless surface prevents dirt and mold from forming between the cracks. Because there is none. No cracks here buddy.

Epoxy Looks Fantastic

With hundreds of different color combinations, epoxy has the potential for millions of different pattern and design options. We can use your creative imagination and our artistic inclinations to create a floor beyond your wildest dreams. And we’re not just blowing smoke. Some of our clients include MetLife, TIME LIFE, Toyota, Columbia University, and Hudson Market. We know what we’re talking about. 

Epoxy Is Bulletproof

While we don’t recommend pointing a gun at the floor and pulling the trigger, we can attest to industrial epoxy’s strength and durability. It’s damn near indestructible. It’s a great choice for industrial warehouses and work environments, including garages, machine shops, chemical plants (did we mention it resists chemicals?), and more! Since it looks great as well, we see epoxy popping up all over the place! Don’t be surprised if you see an epoxy floor in a retail store in your local mall. Dropped tools will not scuff this flooring system. The weight of vehicles and heavy machinery will not stop epoxy’s power nor diminish its vitality. 

apply the epoxy

Chemically Resistant

This means that harsh cleaners, industrial solvents, oil spills, your mother-in-law’s red wine, and other chemicals will not tarnish or eat through this floor. Oil spills won’t even leave a stain. 

How Long Do Epoxy Floors Last? 

Let’s be clear. You can’t go to Home Depot and buy the stuff we use. Our industrial-strength epoxy formulations are built well and built to last. Our high-grade, high-performance epoxy can last 20-30 years depending on certain variables. For residential applications, the number leans a little more to the 30 year mark, whereas the industrial side leans more towards the ten year mark. 

Is Epoxy Flooring Good For Homes?

Epoxy flooring is typically used in high-foot-traffic areas and most commonly, the garage. We are seeing more and more requests for epoxy pool decks and game rooms due to its low maintenance, slip resistance, and unique look and texture. Epoxy is also great for places like bathrooms, as it prevents mold, mildew, and bacteria growth. Epoxy can even be formulated with additional antimicrobial mixtures… so if you’re a clean freak, we’ve got the flooring for you. 

Are Epoxy Floors Worth It?

We’ve seen the competition. We’ve seen what other flooring systems can do. They’ve got nothing on epoxy. Some people may be turned off by the high price tag, but this cliche has never been more true than now: 

You get what you pay for.

Sure, you could just repaint your garage floor with DIY epoxy paint, or leave an unfinished concrete floor after applying a concrete resurfacing overlay. We get it, money doesn’t grow on trees. 

Neither does epoxy. 

The money that you spend on epoxy will pay for itself 5 times over… and not in the way you might initially expect. 

benefits of epoxy flooring

You’ll grow to love the room you install the epoxy in even more. You’re already a proud homeowner. Imagine owning a home with a garage that has the best flooring solution on Earth. It’ll increase your confidence and improve the mood in the home. You won’t have to run for the mop when a spill occurs, because you know that epoxy floors don’t stain. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that nothing can damage your floors. Not even a dropped wrench can stop epoxy.

Epoxy floors don’t lie. 

You want the best… and epoxy floors are your ticket to the good life. Keep your kids safe with epoxy. Keep your wife content with epoxy. And most of all, keep yourself happy with epoxy. It’s a win-win scenario and we’re just here to deliver the message. Treat yourself to the last flooring solution you’ll ever need to install. 

Minimal maintenance. Maximum protection. One hundred percent perfection. 

You bet your butt epoxy is worth it. Every cent. 


Let The Professionals Do The Rest

You’re ready. We know it. It’s time for a new floor and it’s name is Epoxy. Southside Concrete Polishing has been serving up the best concrete and epoxy floors in the industry for decades. If you live anywhere near New York City, it’s time to contact us and change the way you see flooring.